PriceIndices 0.2.3 (2025-01-24)
New functions:
- New function for multiplicative decomposing the GEKS-type indices (m_decomposition)
- The data_selecting function is now much faster.
- The gk function is now much faster.
PriceIndices 0.2.2 (2024-10-09)
Bag fixed
- Splicing methods on published indices (e.g. HASP and WISP) have been corrected for the case when interval=TRUE
- The references concerning indicators have been updated.
PriceIndices 0.2.1 (2024-09-24)
- All splice indices (e.g. geks_splice(), gk_splice(), ccdi_splice() or tpd_splice()) are now much faster when the interval parameter is FALSE.
Bag fixed
- A parameter prec in the shrinkflation function now works fine.
PriceIndices 0.2.0 (2024-08-16)
New functions:
- There are two new index functions: dikhanov (bilateral formula) and chdikhanov (chain index formula).
New dataset:
- The data_DOWN_UP_SIZED (artficial) scanner dataset on the sale of coffee products (the corresponding old one, i.e. dataDOWNSIZED, has been deleted);
- The shrinkflation function has been extended (new parameters, new types of downsizing/upsizing);
Bag fixed
- The compare_to_target* function has been fixed and now it allows for comparison of only two indices.
PriceIndices 0.1.8 (2023-06-26)
- New references to some of multilateral methods have been added (e.g. GEKS-AGI, GEKS-AQU methods)
- The final index function has been improved. Now it skips data frames with zero rows.
PriceIndices 0.1.7 (2023-04-11)
New functions:
- New functions for the calculation of the Montgomery indicators, i.e. montgomery and mmontgomery for the bilateral and multilateral variant, respectively).
- The compare_indices_jk function obtained new functionality (there are new elements in the resulting list for comparing pseudovalues from jackknife method).
PriceIndices 0.1.6 (2023-03-17)
- The elasticity and thus elasticity_fig are much faster now.
Bug fixes:
- An example in elasticity_fig has been corrected (there is no error now). The price_indices function has been corrected due to the lloyd-moulton sub-function.
PriceIndices 0.1.5 (2023-03-03)
New functions:
- New functions for price imputations (data_imputing) and for detecting new and disappearing products (products and products_fig).
- The data_preparing function has now two additional parameters which allow to consider zero prices and zero quantities.
- New methods for elasticity and elasticity_fig functions have been added.
Bug fixes:
- a new parameter has beed added to the function 'price_indices' (names). It allows to compare e.g. the same splice multilateral index but for many different splicing methods (their names can be distinguished).
- The geksj function has been corrected for the case when we observe large number of decreasing prices.
PriceIndices 0.1.4 (2023-02-12)
New functions
- New functions for bennet price and quantity indicators have been added (bennet and mbennet).
- New function for comparison of price indices by using the jackknife method has been added (compare_indices_jk).
Bug fixes
- A new parameter has beed added to the function 'price_indices' (names). It allows to compare e.g. the same splice multilateral index but for many different splicing methods (their names can be distinguished).
- The geksj function has been corrected for the case when we observe large number of decreasing prices.
- Problems with examples have been deleted ('donttest{}' formula is used)
PriceIndices 0.1.3 (2023-01-06)
Bug fixes
- Graphical result of the compare_indices_list function has been corrected
(a label concerning the X-axis is now named 'date')
- References have been updated in the case of the generate function.
- A wrong example concerning the geksgaqi_splice function has been deleted.
PriceIndices 0.1.2 (2022-12-21)
New functions:
- New functions added: a) bilateral methods - value_index, unit_value_index, QMp, IQMp, QMq; b) chain indices: chQMp, chIQMp, chQMq; c) multilateral methods: gekslm, geksqm,geksiqm, utpd + their extensions (splice, FMW, FBEW). New function for generating artficial scanner datasets (generate_CES). Moreover: new (faster) function price_indices, new functions for price comparisons: compare_indices_df and compare_indices_list (old functions: compare_indices and compare_final_indices were removed). Rebuilt function final_index (old function final_index2 was removed).
Rebuilt functions: elasticity and elasticity_fig (old functions elasticity2 and elasticity_fig2 were removed).
- Improved speed of data_filtering and data_matching functions (data_matching is now based on the reclin2 package instead of reclin).
- Improved speed of multilateral index functions: geks, wgeks, geksj, geksw, geksl, geksgl, wgeksl and wgeksgl.
PriceIndices 0.1.1 (2022-09-16)
New function
- One new function (expenditures) has been added (faster version of sales)
- System of weights in the TPD index has been changed. Now it corresponds to the system of weights used in "HICP Guide for Multilateral Methods".
Improved the speed of operation of all functions for price indices.
PriceIndices 0.0.9 (2022-08-05)
New functions
- 4 new functions for calculating elasticity of substitution have been added: elasticity, elasticity2, elasticity_fig, elasticity2_fig.
PriceIndices 0.0.8 (2022-07-07)
New fucntion
- a new internal function has been added (conversion). This function provides integer representation of the given text string.
- the following functions have been improved by changing a method for dealing with categorical variables: model_classification, data_classifying.
- An existing artificial data set (dataCOICOP) has been change into the real scanner data set
- Some new references have been added (e.g. for GEKS-L, GEKS-GL, GEKS-AQI, GEKS-AQU functions).
- A README file has been improved by adding some new example with using ML methods for product classifiction.
PriceIndices 0.0.7 (2022-04-02)
New function
- a new function which allows to compare indices with a target price index was added (compare_to_target)
- some function descriptions have been changed or improved
- set of files.R has been reorganized
- README file and vignette have been extended
PriceIndices 0.0.6 (2021-11-16)
New function
- 37 new functions (concerning the WGEKS, GEKSL, WGEKSL, GEKS-AQU, WGEKS-AQU, GEKS-AQI, WGEKS-AQI, GEKS-GAQI, WGEKS-GAQI indices and its extensions, a new function compare_distances)
Bug fixes
- 6 small bugs fixed (they concern chlowe, chgeolowe, chyoung, chgeoyoung, chhybrid and chgeohybrid functions)
- data set on milk was corrected and modified
Data set modification
- A data set on milk has beed modified (one new product has beed added) *
Function modification
- A function matched_fig has been extended by adding a new parameter
PriceIndices 0.0.5 (2021-05-20)
New function
- 1 new function (data_aggregating) has beed added. This function aggregates the user's data frame over time and/or over outlets (retIDs)
New data set
- 1 new artificial data set has been added (dataAGGR) to demonstrate the utility of the data_aggregation function.
Bug fixes
- 2 bugs fixed (they concern final_index and final_index2 functions)
PriceIndices 0.0.4 (2021-03-20)
New function
- 1 new function (data_check) has beed added. This function checks if the user's data frame is suitable for further price index calculation.
Bug fixes
- 2 bugs fixed (they concern data_norm and unit functions)
- corrected descriptions (e.g. model_classification function)
PriceIndices 0.0.3 (2021-02-19)
Bug fixes
- Function data_norm (which is crucial for product unit standarization) has beed corrected
(the previous version of that function duplicated rows in data frame)
PriceIndices 0.0.2 (2021-02-11)
Function data_matching() has been modified and now it is much more faster,
Examples concerning chain indices have been modified and now they are less time-consuming while checking,
New data set is added (dataU)
New functions for scanner data processing are added (data_unit and data_norm)
Bug fixes
Access to HASP and WISP methods has been added in the price_index() function and now price_indices() works correctly,
The default value and the meaning of the sensitivity parameter in data_preparing() and model_classification() functions have been corrected.